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Class AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator

  • Enclosing class:

    public class AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator
    extends Object
    A class to manage the effective position of the child views in a localized area while changes are being made around the localized area. The AsyncBoxView may be continuously changing, but the visible area needs to remain fairly stable until the layout thread decides to publish an update to the parent.
    • Field Detail

      • lastValidOffset

        protected AsyncBoxView.ChildState lastValidOffset
        The location of the last offset calculation that is valid.
      • lastAlloc

        protected Rectangle lastAlloc
        The last seen allocation (for repainting when changes are flushed upward).
      • childAlloc

        protected Rectangle childAlloc
        A shape to use for the child allocation to avoid creating a lot of garbage.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator

        public AsyncBoxView.ChildLocator()
        construct a child locator.
    • Method Detail

      • childChanged

        public void childChanged(AsyncBoxView.ChildState cs)
        Notification that a child changed. This can effect whether or not new offset calculations are needed. This is called by a ChildState object that has changed it's major span. This can therefore be called by multiple threads.
      • paintChildren

        public void paintChildren(Graphics g)
        Paint the children that intersect the clip area.
      • getChildAllocation

        public Shape getChildAllocation(int index,
                               Shape a)
        Fetch the allocation to use for a child view. This will update the offsets for all children not yet updated before the given index.
      • getViewIndexAtPoint

        public int getViewIndexAtPoint(float x,
                              float y,
                              Shape a)
        Fetches the child view index at the given point. This is called by the various View methods that need to calculate which child to forward a message to. This should be called by a block synchronized on this object, and would typically be followed with one or more calls to getChildAllocation that should also be in the synchronized block.
        x - the X coordinate >= 0
        y - the Y coordinate >= 0
        a - the allocation to the View
        the nearest child index
      • getChildAllocation

        protected Shape getChildAllocation(int index)
        Fetch the allocation to use for a child view. This does not update the offsets in the ChildState records.
      • setAllocation

        protected void setAllocation(Shape a)
        Copy the currently allocated shape into the Rectangle used to store the current allocation. This would be a floating point rectangle in a Java2D-specific implmentation.
      • getViewIndexAtVisualOffset

        protected int getViewIndexAtVisualOffset(float targetOffset)
        Locate the view responsible for an offset into the box along the major axis. Make sure that offsets are set on the ChildState objects up to the given target span past the desired offset.
        index of the view representing the given visual location (targetOffset), or -1 if no view represents that location

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Document heeft de 11/06/2005 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 04/03/2020 gewijzigd
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