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Class AccessibleState

  • public class AccessibleState
    extends AccessibleBundle

    Class AccessibleState describes a component's particular state. The actual state of the component is defined as an AccessibleStateSet, which is a composed set of AccessibleStates.

    The toDisplayString method allows you to obtain the localized string for a locale independent key from a predefined ResourceBundle for the keys defined in this class.

    The constants in this class present a strongly typed enumeration of common object roles. A public constructor for this class has been purposely omitted and applications should use one of the constants from this class. If the constants in this class are not sufficient to describe the role of an object, a subclass should be generated from this class and it should provide constants in a similar manner.

    • Field Detail
      • ACTIVE
        public static final AccessibleState ACTIVE
        Indicates a window is currently the active window. This includes windows, dialogs, frames, etc. In addition, this state is used to indicate the currently active child of a component such as a list, table, or tree. For example, the active child of a list is the child that is drawn with a rectangle around it.
        See Also:
        AccessibleRole.WINDOW, AccessibleRole.FRAME, AccessibleRole.DIALOG
      • PRESSED
        public static final AccessibleState PRESSED
        Indicates this object is currently pressed. This is usually associated with buttons and indicates the user has pressed a mouse button while the pointer was over the button and has not yet released the mouse button.
        See Also:
      • ARMED
        public static final AccessibleState ARMED
        Indicates that the object is armed. This is usually used on buttons that have been pressed but not yet released, and the mouse pointer is still over the button.
        See Also:
      • EDITABLE
        public static final AccessibleState EDITABLE
        Indicates the user can change the contents of this object. This is usually used primarily for objects that allow the user to enter text. Other objects, such as scroll bars and sliders, are automatically editable if they are enabled.
        See Also:
        public static final AccessibleState EXPANDABLE
        Indicates this object allows progressive disclosure of its children. This is usually used with hierarchical objects such as trees and is often paired with the EXPANDED or COLLAPSED states.
        See Also:
        EXPANDED, COLLAPSED, AccessibleRole.TREE
        public static final AccessibleState COLLAPSED
        Indicates this object is collapsed. This is usually paired with the EXPANDABLE state and is used on objects that provide progressive disclosure such as trees.
        See Also:
        EXPANDABLE, EXPANDED, AccessibleRole.TREE
      • EXPANDED
        public static final AccessibleState EXPANDED
        Indicates this object is expanded. This is usually paired with the EXPANDABLE state and is used on objects that provide progressive disclosure such as trees.
        See Also:
        EXPANDABLE, COLLAPSED, AccessibleRole.TREE
      • ENABLED
        public static final AccessibleState ENABLED
        Indicates this object is enabled. The absence of this state from an object's state set indicates this object is not enabled. An object that is not enabled cannot be manipulated by the user. In a graphical display, it is usually grayed out.
        public static final AccessibleState FOCUSABLE
        Indicates this object can accept keyboard focus, which means all events resulting from typing on the keyboard will normally be passed to it when it has focus.
        See Also:
      • FOCUSED
        public static final AccessibleState FOCUSED
        Indicates this object currently has the keyboard focus.
        See Also:
      • MODAL
        public static final AccessibleState MODAL
        Indicates something must be done with this object before the user can interact with an object in a different window. This is usually associated only with dialogs.
        See Also:
      • SHOWING
        public static final AccessibleState SHOWING
        Indicates this object, the object's parent, the object's parent's parent, and so on, are all visible. Note that this does not necessarily mean the object is painted on the screen. It might be occluded by some other showing object.
        See Also:
      • VISIBLE
        public static final AccessibleState VISIBLE
        Indicates this object is visible. Note: this means that the object intends to be visible; however, it may not in fact be showing on the screen because one of the objects that this object is contained by is not visible.
        See Also:
        public static final AccessibleState SINGLE_LINE
        Indicates this (text) object can contain only a single line of text
      • MULTI_LINE
        public static final AccessibleState MULTI_LINE
        Indicates this (text) object can contain multiple lines of text
        public static final AccessibleState TRANSIENT
        Indicates this object is transient. An assistive technology should not add a PropertyChange listener to an object with transient state, as that object will never generate any events. Transient objects are typically created to answer Java Accessibility method queries, but otherwise do not remain linked to the underlying object (for example, those objects underneath lists, tables, and trees in Swing, where only one actual UI Component does shared rendering duty for all of the data objects underneath the actual list/table/tree elements).
        public static final AccessibleState MANAGES_DESCENDANTS
        Indicates this object is responsible for managing its subcomponents. This is typically used for trees and tables that have a large number of subcomponents and where the objects are created only when needed and otherwise remain virtual. The application should not manage the subcomponents directly.
        public static final AccessibleState INDETERMINATE
        Indicates that the object state is indeterminate. An example is selected text that is partially bold and partially not bold. In this case the attributes associated with the selected text are indeterminate.
        public static final AccessibleState TRUNCATED
        A state indicating that text is truncated by a bounding rectangle and that some of the text is not displayed on the screen. An example is text in a spreadsheet cell that is truncated by the bounds of the cell.
    • Constructor Detail
      • AccessibleState
        protected AccessibleState(String key)
        Creates a new AccessibleState using the given locale independent key. This should not be a public method. Instead, it is used to create the constants in this file to make it a strongly typed enumeration. Subclasses of this class should enforce similar policy.

        The key String should be a locale independent key for the state. It is not intended to be used as the actual String to display to the user. To get the localized string, use toDisplayString.

        key - the locale independent name of the state.
        See Also:
        AccessibleBundle.toDisplayString(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale)

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Document heeft de 11/06/2005 gemaakt, de laatste keer de 04/03/2020 gewijzigd
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