Interface StartElement

  • All Superinterfaces:
    XMLEvent, XMLStreamConstants

    public interface StartElement
    extends XMLEvent
    The StartElement interface provides access to information about start elements. A StartElement is reported for each Start Tag in the document.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        QName getName()
        Get the name of this event
        the qualified name of this event
      • getAttributes

        Iterator getAttributes()
        Returns an Iterator of non-namespace declared attributes declared on this START_ELEMENT, returns an empty iterator if there are no attributes. The iterator must contain only implementations of the interface. Attributes are fundamentally unordered and may not be reported in any order.
        a readonly Iterator over Attribute interfaces, or an empty iterator
      • getNamespaces

        Iterator getNamespaces()
        Returns an Iterator of namespaces declared on this element. This Iterator does not contain previously declared namespaces unless they appear on the current START_ELEMENT. Therefore this list may contain redeclared namespaces and duplicate namespace declarations. Use the getNamespaceContext() method to get the current context of namespace declarations.

        The iterator must contain only implementations of the interface.

        A Namespace isA Attribute. One can iterate over a list of namespaces as a list of attributes. However this method returns only the list of namespaces declared on this START_ELEMENT and does not include the attributes declared on this START_ELEMENT. Returns an empty iterator if there are no namespaces.

        a readonly Iterator over Namespace interfaces, or an empty iterator
      • getAttributeByName

        Attribute getAttributeByName(QName name)
        Returns the attribute referred to by this name
        name - the qname of the desired name
        the attribute corresponding to the name value or null
      • getNamespaceContext

        NamespaceContext getNamespaceContext()
        Gets a read-only namespace context. If no context is available this method will return an empty namespace context. The NamespaceContext contains information about all namespaces in scope for this StartElement.
        the current namespace context
      • getNamespaceURI

        String getNamespaceURI(String prefix)
        Gets the value that the prefix is bound to in the context of this element. Returns null if the prefix is not bound in this context
        prefix - the prefix to lookup
        the uri bound to the prefix or null

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Document créé le 11/06/2005, dernière modification le 04/03/2020
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