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Rechercher une fonction PHP

Hash Functions

Table of Contents

  • hash_algos — Return a list of registered hashing algorithms
  • hash_copy — Copy hashing context
  • hash_equals — Timing attack safe string comparison
  • hash_file — Generate a hash value using the contents of a given file
  • hash_final — Finalize an incremental hash and return resulting digest
  • hash_hkdf — Generate a HKDF key derivation of a supplied key input
  • hash_hmac_algos — Return a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac
  • hash_hmac_file — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method and the contents of a given file
  • hash_hmac — Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method
  • hash_init — Initialize an incremental hashing context
  • hash_pbkdf2 — Generate a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password
  • hash_update_file — Pump data into an active hashing context from a file
  • hash_update_stream — Pump data into an active hashing context from an open stream
  • hash_update — Pump data into an active hashing context
  • hash — Generate a hash value (message digest)
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