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Summary of The Website

Logo of chapter The WebsiteAll about the site: Site news- FAQ (most frequently asked questions) - The author- History and structure of the site- Statistics- etc.

You can consult the complete information on chapter The Website.

Pages of chapter The Website

FAQ utilisateur > Informations > The Website
[1] 16/02/2014 - Last modified 27/07/2024 La foire aux questions relative aux utilisateurs (espaces membres, personnalisation, etc.) ainsi qu'aux newsletters.

Stéphane Gaudry's profile > Informations > The Website
[2] 19/03/2002 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Who is Stéphane Gaudry? Information about the author of the infobrol, contact (mail, forum, ...)

Les dernières > Informations > The Website
[3] 19/03/2002 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Recherche, et descriptif des x dernières pages du site...

Unit tests > Informations > The Website
[4] 01/01/2024 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Tests unitaire pour les différents objets utilisés sur le site.

FAQ > Informations > The Website
[5] 20/11/2003 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Les réponses aux questions les plus fréquentes à propos de ce site.

Nouvelles > Informations > The Website
[6] 27/12/2002 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Le mot de Steph. Affichage de l'actualité concernant le site.

Historique > Informations > The Website
[7] 19/03/2002 - Last modified 27/07/2024 L'historique du site, les différents styles, la structure de l'infobrol...

CSS du site > Informations > The Website
[8] 06/01/2010 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Les feuilles de style utilisées sur le site

Etat des traductions > Informations > The Website
[9] 05/08/2006 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Cette page permettra de consulter l'état des traductions.

Commentaires > Informations > The Website
[10] 22/02/2004 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Vous pouvez commenter chaque page du site (par un lien en bas de page), me signaler mes erreurs (orthographe, etc.), ou manifester votre désacord à propos d

Fréquentation > Informations > The Website
[11] 19/03/2002 - Last modified 27/07/2024 Statistiques de fréquentation du site

Terms of use > Informations > The Website
[12] 06/02/2014 - Last modified 27/07/2024 The conditions of use of the contents of the infobrol and photobrol. The legal framework, and the different CreativeCommons licenses depending on the conten

English translation

You have asked to visit this site in English. For now, only the interface is translated, but not all the content yet.

If you want to help me in translations, your contribution is welcome. All you need to do is register on the site, and send me a message asking me to add you to the group of translators, which will give you the opportunity to translate the pages you want. A link at the bottom of each translated page indicates that you are the translator, and has a link to your profile.

Thank you in advance.

Document created the 19/03/2002, last modified the 16/07/2024
Source of the printed document:

The infobrol is a personal site whose content is my sole responsibility. The text is available under CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA). More info on the terms of use and the author.