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Rechercher une fonction PHP


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7, PECL hash >= 1.1)

hash_algosReturn a list of registered hashing algorithms


hash_algos ( void ) : array

PHP: hash_algos - Manual Home of Manuel PHP  Contents Haut

Return Values

Returns a numerically indexed array containing the list of supported hashing algorithms.

PHP: hash_algos - Manual Home of Manuel PHP  Contents Haut


Version Description
7.1.0 Support for sha512/224, sha512/256, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384 and sha3-512 has been added.
5.6.0 Support for gost-crypto was added. This implements the GOST hash function using the CryptoPro S-box tables as specified by » RFC 4357, section 11.2.
5.4.0 Support for joaat, fnv132 and fnv164 was added. Support for Salsa10 and Salsa20 was removed.
5.3.0 Support for md2, ripemd256, ripemd320, salsa10, salsa20, snefru256 and sha224 was added

PHP: hash_algos - Manual Home of Manuel PHP  Contents Haut


Example #1 hash_algos() example

As of PHP 5.6.0, hash_algos() will return the following list of algorithm names.


The above example will output something similar to:

    [0] => md2
    [1] => md4
    [2] => md5
    [3] => sha1
    [4] => sha224
    [5] => sha256
    [6] => sha384
    [7] => sha512
    [8] => ripemd128
    [9] => ripemd160
    [10] => ripemd256
    [11] => ripemd320
    [12] => whirlpool
    [13] => tiger128,3
    [14] => tiger160,3
    [15] => tiger192,3
    [16] => tiger128,4
    [17] => tiger160,4
    [18] => tiger192,4
    [19] => snefru
    [20] => snefru256
    [21] => gost
    [22] => gost-crypto
    [23] => adler32
    [24] => crc32
    [25] => crc32b
    [26] => fnv132
    [27] => fnv1a32
    [28] => fnv164
    [29] => fnv1a64
    [30] => joaat
    [31] => haval128,3
    [32] => haval160,3
    [33] => haval192,3
    [34] => haval224,3
    [35] => haval256,3
    [36] => haval128,4
    [37] => haval160,4
    [38] => haval192,4
    [39] => haval224,4
    [40] => haval256,4
    [41] => haval128,5
    [42] => haval160,5
    [43] => haval192,5
    [44] => haval224,5
    [45] => haval256,5

PHP: hash_algos - Manual Home of Manuel PHP  Contents Haut

See Also

  • hash_hmac_algos() - Return a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac
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