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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Chapter 6 Security

Table of Contents     [+/-]

6.1 General Security Issues     [+/-]
6.1.1 Security Guidelines
6.1.2 Keeping Passwords Secure
6.1.3 Making MySQL Secure Against Attackers
6.1.4 Security-Related mysqld Options and Variables
6.1.5 How to Run MySQL as a Normal User
6.1.6 Security Issues with LOAD DATA LOCAL
6.1.7 Client Programming Security Guidelines
6.2 The MySQL Access Privilege System     [+/-]
6.2.1 Privileges Provided by MySQL
6.2.2 Static Versus Dynamic Privileges
6.2.3 Grant Tables
6.2.4 Specifying Account Names
6.2.5 Specifying Role Names
6.2.6 Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification
6.2.7 Access Control, Stage 2: Request Verification
6.2.8 When Privilege Changes Take Effect
6.2.9 Troubleshooting Problems Connecting to MySQL
6.3 MySQL User Account Management     [+/-]
6.3.1 User Names and Passwords
6.3.2 Adding User Accounts
6.3.3 Removing User Accounts
6.3.4 Using Roles
6.3.5 Reserved User Accounts
6.3.6 Setting Account Resource Limits
6.3.7 Assigning Account Passwords
6.3.8 Password Management
6.3.9 Server Handling of Expired Passwords
6.3.10 Pluggable Authentication
6.3.11 Proxy Users
6.3.12 User Account Locking
6.3.13 SQL-Based MySQL Account Activity Auditing
6.4 Using Encrypted Connections     [+/-]
6.4.1 Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections
6.4.2 Command Options for Encrypted Connections
6.4.3 Creating SSL and RSA Certificates and Keys
6.4.4 OpenSSL Versus wolfSSL
6.4.5 Building MySQL with Support for Encrypted Connections
6.4.6 Encrypted Connection Protocols and Ciphers
6.4.7 Connecting to MySQL Remotely from Windows with SSH
6.5 Security Components and Plugins     [+/-]
6.5.1 Authentication Plugins
6.5.2 The Connection-Control Plugins
6.5.3 The Password Validation Component
6.5.4 The MySQL Keyring
6.5.5 MySQL Enterprise Audit
6.5.6 The Audit Message Component
6.5.7 MySQL Enterprise Firewall
6.5.8 MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification
6.6 FIPS Support

When thinking about security within a MySQL installation, you should consider a wide range of possible topics and how they affect the security of your MySQL server and related applications:

  • General factors that affect security. These include choosing good passwords, not granting unnecessary privileges to users, ensuring application security by preventing SQL injections and data corruption, and others. See Section 6.1, “General Security Issues”.

  • Security of the installation itself. The data files, log files, and the all the application files of your installation should be protected to ensure that they are not readable or writable by unauthorized parties. For more information, see Section 2.10, “Postinstallation Setup and Testing”.

  • Access control and security within the database system itself, including the users and databases granted with access to the databases, views and stored programs in use within the database. For more information, see Section 6.2, “The MySQL Access Privilege System”, and Section 6.3, “MySQL User Account Management”.

  • The features offered by security-related plugins. See Section 6.5, “Security Components and Plugins”.

  • Network security of MySQL and your system. The security is related to the grants for individual users, but you may also wish to restrict MySQL so that it is available only locally on the MySQL server host, or to a limited set of other hosts.

  • Ensure that you have adequate and appropriate backups of your database files, configuration and log files. Also be sure that you have a recovery solution in place and test that you are able to successfully recover the information from your backups. See Chapter 7, Backup and Recovery.

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Document created the 26/06/2006, last modified the 26/10/2018
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