
Album n°209 dans la série Strange

Matt's life continues to unravel. Matt confronts the Kingpin directly and is beaten senseless. The Kingpin has a cab driver killed with Matt's billy club and has the cab and Matt dumped into the river. The Kingpin discovers that the police can't find a body and Matt emerges from the river.

Synopsis complémentaireHobgoblin and Spidey have it out and Spidey ends up unmasking his foe. He is shocked to discover that one of his deadliest foes is really one of his oldest pals, Flash Thompson (or is he?). Scourge kills the Human Fly.Synopsis complémentaire

Alpha Flight has tried to obtain a more suitable body than Box for Walter but, not only do they lose Walter, but they also hook the Hulk. With the Hulk rampaging through Canada, the Alphans have to overcome their individual fears and weaknesses to take down the jade giant. Alpha Flight becomes the official super hero team of Canada.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 05-05-1987
Date de parution: 05-05-1987
Nombre de pages: 100
Éditeur: Editions LUG
Type: album simple

Strange : les albums

Liste des ouvrages sous forme de couvertures

Il existe 1 800i ouvrages qui ne sont pas encore approuvés;

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Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 05/02/2024
Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/bd/strange/purgatoire.html

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