La tête de l"emploi

Album n°0 dans la série Science Fiction - Weird Fantasy

The Police are baffled by a series of six strange deaths in which each victim was beheaded, and none of the victims seem to have any connection to one another. When Drake tells the Lieutenant that similar murders (seven in each case) had also occurred in St. Louis and Chicago, the Lieutenant finds a connection between all of the crimes and a Professor Shorham, who lectures scientists on his invention of a mechanical brain, a discovery that results in the Lieutenant becoming the mad Professor's 7th victim in the city!

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 31-08-1987
Date de parution: 31-08-1987
Nombre de pages: 56
Éditeur: Editions Zenda
Type: album simple

Science Fiction - Weird Fantasy : les albums

Liste des ouvrages sous forme de couvertures

Il existe 11i ouvrages qui ne sont pas encore approuvés;

Voir les détails de la série

Voir toutes les séries BD

Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 05/02/2024
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