La mort captive

Album n°15 dans la série L'Inattendu

An old man builds a machine to freeze Death in his tracks since he is unwilling to go when he has so much more left to accomplish. With Death removed from the picture, the Earth becomes a shambles. Insects and microbes do not die, and the sick and injured gain no release from their suffering. The old man realizes how selfish he has been, and switches the machine off, joining Death willingly.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 30-11-1978
Date de parution: 30-11-1978
Nombre de pages: 132
Éditeur: Artima
Type: album simple

L'Inattendu : les albums

Liste des ouvrages sous forme de couvertures

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Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 05/02/2024
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