Coups de foudre !

Album n°1 dans la série Justice League Rebirth

Having been struck by lightning, August Heart has gained the powers of the Speed Force. Barry begins to train August how to use his new powers. Iris investigates why the Black Hole was trying to steal from S.T.A.R. Labs, which leads to her being kidnapped by the Black Hole. When the Flash tries to rescue her and is struck down by a new weapon, August puts on a costume to come to the rescue. In the aftermath, a new lightning storm hits Central City, with lighting striking many citizens giving them all super speed.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 02-06-2017
Date de parution: 02-06-2017
Nombre de pages: 188
Éditeur: Urban Comics
Type: album simple

Justice League Rebirth : les albums

Liste des ouvrages sous forme de couvertures

Il existe 370i ouvrages qui ne sont pas encore approuvés;

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Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 05/02/2024
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