Péril en plastique

Album n°28 dans la série Green Lantern

While Carol Ferris is in Piper's Dell, the sea wall protecting the town begins to give way, so Hal responds as Green Lantern. After saving the town, GL is given a tour of the plastic factory. Weakened by gas emitted by the plastic pins produced there, he is unable to fight back, so he sends his ring to Green Arrow. When he revives, he finds that his old enemy Black Hand uses the pins to keep the community under his control. He sends GL and Carol out into the streets to face the wrath of the townspeople, but Green Arrow arrives in time with GL’s ring, and GL traps Black Hand in his own plastic.

Informations de publication

Dépôt légal: 30-06-1979
Date de parution: 30-06-1979
Nombre de pages: 132
Éditeur: Arédit
Type: album simple

Green Lantern : les albums

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Document créé le 01/05/2020, dernière modification le 14/08/2024
Source du document imprimé : https://www.gaudry.be/bd/green-lantern/peril-en-plastique.html/

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