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(PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5, PHP 7)

streamWrapper::stream_readRead from stream


public streamWrapper::stream_read ( int $count ) : string

This method is called in response to fread() and fgets().


Remember to update the read/write position of the stream (by the number of bytes that were successfully read).

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How many bytes of data from the current position should be returned.

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Return Values

If there are less than count bytes available, return as many as are available. If no more data is available, return either FALSE or an empty string.

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Emits E_WARNING if call to this method fails (i.e. not implemented).


If the return value is longer then count an E_WARNING error will be emitted, and excess data will be lost.

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streamWrapper::stream_eof() is called directly after calling streamWrapper::stream_read() to check if EOF has been reached. If not implemented, EOF is assumed.


When reading the whole file (for example, with file_get_contents()), PHP will call streamWrapper::stream_read() followed by streamWrapper::stream_eof() in a loop but as long as streamWrapper::stream_read() returns a non-empty string, the return value of streamWrapper::stream_eof() is ignored.

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See Also

  • fread() - Binary-safe file read
  • fgets() - Gets line from file pointer

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