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Class InputStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Closeable, AutoCloseable

    public abstract class InputStream
    extends InputStream
    InputStream provides for the reading of all of the mapped IDL types from the stream. It extends org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream. This class defines new methods that were added for CORBA 2.3.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputStream

        public InputStream()
        Create a new instance of this class. throw SecurityException if SecurityManager is installed and enableSubclassImplementation SerializablePermission is not granted or jdk.corba.allowInputStreamSubclass system property is either not set or is set to 'false'
    • Method Detail

      • read_value

        public Serializable read_value()
        Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
        the value type unmarshalled from the input stream
      • read_value

        public Serializable read_value(Class clz)
        Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
        clz - is the declared type of the value to be unmarshalled
        the value unmarshalled from the input stream
      • read_value

        public Serializable read_value(BoxedValueHelper factory)
        Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
        factory - is the instance fo the helper to be used for unmarshalling the value type
        the value unmarshalled from the input stream
      • read_value

        public Serializable read_value(String rep_id)
        Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
        rep_id - identifies the type of the value to be unmarshalled
        value type unmarshalled from the input stream
      • read_value

        public Serializable read_value(Serializable value)
        Unmarshalls a value type from the input stream.
        value - is an uninitialized value which is added to the orb's indirection table before calling Streamable._read() or CustomMarshal.unmarshal() to unmarshal the value.
        value type unmarshalled from the input stream
      • read_abstract_interface

        public Object read_abstract_interface()
        Unmarshal the value object or a suitable stub object.
        ORB runtime returns the value object or a suitable stub object.
      • read_abstract_interface

        public Object read_abstract_interface(Class clz)
        Unmarshal the class object or the stub class corresponding to the passed type.
        clz - is the Class object for the stub class which corresponds to the type that is statically expected.
        ORB runtime returns the value object or a suitable stub object.

Document created the 11/06/2005, last modified the 04/03/2020
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