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Description du code

Fichier Lex du langage LSD010 Compilateur LSD010

Code source ou contenu du fichier

  1. %{
  2. /*
  3.  * lsd10.l : lexical parsing file for Lex
  4.  * @see
  5.  * Part of the compiler Project for LSD10 language
  6.  */
  7. #include <stdio.h>
  8. #include <stdlib.h>
  9. #include <string.h>
  11. #include ""
  12. /*
  13. #include "ast.h"
  14. */
  16. #include "common.h"
  17. /**
  18.  * Count of lines read
  19.  */
  20. int lexLinesCount=0;
  21. /**
  22.  * Count of chars read
  23.  */
  24. int lexTotalCharsCount=0;
  25. extern AstNode *rootNode;
  27. /*
  28.  * internal business
  29. *************************************************************
  30. */
  31. extern DebugInfo *psnBeforeToken;
  32. extern DebugInfo *psnAfterToken;
  33. int processToken(int tokenType);
  34. void incrementNumChar();
  35. void addLineRead();
  37. /*
  38.  * Lex overriding
  39. *************************************************************
  40. */
  41. int yyTempColumn=1;
  42. //define YY_USER_ACTION yylloc.first_line=yylloc.last_line=yylineno;yylloc.first_column=yylloc.last_column=yyTempColumn+yyleng-1;yyTempColumn+=yyleng;
  43. %}
  45. %option noyywrap
  46. %option yylineno
  49. /*nbr 0|[-][1-9][0-9]*|[1-9][0-9]* */
  50. nbr 0|[1-9][0-9]*
  51. id [a-zA-Z]|([a-zA-Z]([a-zA-Z]|[0-9])*)
  52. blank [ \t]+
  54. %%
  55. %{
  56. //we specify that we begin with the rules of the state INITIAL
  58. %}
  59. "boolean" {
  60. incrementNumChar();
  61. return processToken(LEXICAL_BOOLEAN_TYPE);}
  62. "integer" {
  63. incrementNumChar();
  64. return processToken(LEXICAL_INTEGER_TYPE);}
  66. "=" {
  67. incrementNumChar();
  68. return processToken(LEXICAL_AFFECTATION); }
  70. "&&" {
  71. incrementNumChar();
  72. return processToken(LEXICAL_AND); }
  73. "||" {
  74. incrementNumChar();
  75. return processToken(LEXICAL_OR); }
  76. "&" {
  77. incrementNumChar();
  78. return processToken(LEXICAL_ANDLAZY); }
  79. "|" {
  80. incrementNumChar();
  81. return processToken(LEXICAL_ORLAZY); }
  82. "!" {
  83. incrementNumChar();
  84. return processToken(LEXICAL_NOT); }
  85. "==" {
  86. incrementNumChar();
  87. return processToken(LEXICAL_EQUALS); }
  88. "<=" {
  89. incrementNumChar();
  90. return processToken(LEXICAL_LESS_EQUALS); }
  91. "<" {
  92. incrementNumChar();
  93. return processToken(LEXICAL_LESS); }
  95. "+" {
  96. incrementNumChar();
  97. return processToken(LEXICAL_PLUS); }
  98. "-" {
  99. incrementNumChar();
  100. return processToken(LEXICAL_MINUS); }
  101. "*" {
  102. incrementNumChar();
  103. return processToken(LEXICAL_MULT); }
  104. "div" {
  105. incrementNumChar();
  106. return processToken(LEXICAL_DIV); }
  107. "mod" {
  108. incrementNumChar();
  109. return processToken(LEXICAL_MOD); }
  111. "(" {
  112. incrementNumChar();
  113. return processToken(L_PARENTHESIS); }
  114. "{" {
  115. incrementNumChar();
  116. return processToken(LSQUI_BRACKET); }
  117. "." {
  118. incrementNumChar();
  119. return processToken(POINT); }
  120. ")" {
  121. incrementNumChar();
  122. return processToken(R_PARENTHESIS); }
  123. "}" {
  124. incrementNumChar();
  125. return processToken(RSQUI_BRACKET); }
  126. "[" {
  127. incrementNumChar();
  128. return processToken(LSQUA_BRACKET); }
  129. "]" {
  130. incrementNumChar();
  131. return processToken(RSQUA_BRACKET); }
  132. "," {
  133. incrementNumChar();
  134. return processToken(COMMA); }
  135. ":" {
  136. incrementNumChar();
  137. return processToken(COLON); }
  138. ";" {
  139. incrementNumChar();
  140. return processToken(SEMICOLON); }
  142. "true" {
  143. incrementNumChar();
  144. return processToken(LEXICAL_TRUE_VAL); }
  145. "false" {
  146. return processToken(LEXICAL_FALSE_VAL); }
  147. "void" {
  148. incrementNumChar();
  149. return processToken(LEXICAL_VOID_TYPE); }
  151. "var" {
  152. incrementNumChar();
  153. return processToken(LEXICAL_VAR); }
  154. "get" {
  155. return processToken(LEXICAL_GET_OPS); }
  156. "isempty" {
  157. incrementNumChar();
  158. return processToken(LEXICAL_ISEMPTY_OPS); }
  159. "write" {
  160. incrementNumChar();
  161. return processToken(LEXICAL_WRITE_OPS); }
  162. "read" {
  163. incrementNumChar();
  164. return processToken(LEXICAL_READ_OPS); }
  165. "put" {
  166. incrementNumChar();
  167. return processToken(LEXICAL_PUT_OPS); }
  168. "return" {
  169. incrementNumChar();
  170. return processToken(LEXICAL_RETURN_STMT); }
  172. "for" {
  173. incrementNumChar();
  174. return processToken(LEXICAL_FOR_STMT); }
  175. "if" {
  176. incrementNumChar();
  177. return processToken(LEXICAL_IF_STMT); }
  178. "else" {
  179. incrementNumChar();
  180. return processToken(LEXICAL_ELSE_STMT); }
  181. "while" {
  182. incrementNumChar();
  183. return processToken(LEXICAL_WHILE_STMT); }
  184. "intstack" {
  185. incrementNumChar();
  186. return processToken(LEXICAL_INSTACK_TYPE); }
  188. {blank} {
  189. incrementNumChar();
  190. }
  191. "\n" {
  192. addLineRead();
  193. }
  195. {nbr} {
  196. yylval.text=yytext;
  197. yylval.nval=atoi(yytext);
  198. incrementNumChar();
  199. return processToken(NUMBER);
  200. }
  201. {id} {
  202. incrementNumChar();
  204. yylval.text=(char*)calloc(strlen(yytext)+1,sizeof(char));
  205. strcpy(yylval.text,yytext);
  207. return processToken(ID);
  208. }
  210. "//" {
  212. incrementNumChar();
  213. }
  214. "/*" {
  216. incrementNumChar();
  217. }
  219. <COMMENT_BLOC>;"*/" {
  221. incrementNumChar();
  222. }
  224. <COMMENT_BLOC>;"\n" {
  225. addLineRead();
  226. }
  227. <COMMENT_BLOC>;. {
  228. incrementNumChar();/*Ignore comment*/}
  229. <COMMENT_LINE>;"\n" {
  231. addLineRead();
  232. }
  233. <COMMENT_LINE>;. {
  234. incrementNumChar();/*Ignore comment*/}
  236. . {
  237. char errorStr[1024];//todo: minimize length
  238. sprintf(errorStr, "Error : invalid '%s' On parsed file, Line %d col %d\n",yytext, yylloc.first_line, yylloc.first_column);
  239. yyerror(errorStr);
  240. }
  242. %%
  243. int processToken(int tokenType)
  244. {
  245. yylloc.first_line=yylloc.last_line=yylineno;
  246. yylloc.first_column=yylloc.last_column=yyTempColumn+yyleng-1;
  247. yyTempColumn+=yyleng;
  248. #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_L)
  249. ";%15s %15s detected(%d) line %d char %d\n",
  250. typeToString(tokenType),
  251. yytext,
  252. tokenType,
  253. (yylloc).first_line,
  254. (yylloc).first_column
  255. );
  256. #endif
  257. return tokenType;
  258. }
  259. void incrementNumChar()
  260. {
  261. //// if(lexLinesCount<1)
  262. //// {
  263. //// addLineRead();
  264. //// }
  265. //// #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_L)
  266. //// if(YY_START==INITIAL)
  267. //// {
  268. //// ECHO;
  269. //// }
  270. //// #endif
  271. // lexCharsCountBeforeToken+=yyleng;
  272. //// lexCharsCountBeforeToken=lexCharsTempPsn-yyleng;
  273. //// lexCharsTempPsn+=yyleng;
  274. lexTotalCharsCount+=yyleng;
  275. //printf("%s => line %d, bt=%d,tmp=%d, t=%d\n", yytext, lexLinesCount, lexCharsCountBeforeToken,lexCharsTempPsn,lexTotalCharsCount);
  276. }
  277. void addLineRead()
  278. {
  279. // #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_L)
  280. // printf("\n;\t");
  281. // #endif
  282. // ++lexLinesCount;
  283. // lexLinesCountBeforeToken = yylineno;
  284. // lexCharsCountBeforeToken = 0;
  285. yyTempColumn=1;
  286. // if(psnBeforeToken!=NULL)
  287. // {
  288. ++lexLinesCount;
  289. // lexLinesCountBeforeToken = yylineno;
  290. // lexCharsCountBeforeToken = 0;
  291. // //lexCharsTempPsn = 0;
  292. // //psnBeforeToken->line = ;
  293. // psnAfterToken->line++;
  294. //// printf(
  295. //// ";\t%s detected line %d(%d, %d) char %d\n",
  296. //// yytext,
  297. //// lexLinesCount,
  298. //// yylineno,
  299. //// psnAfterToken->line,
  300. //// lexTotalCharsCount-yyleng//lexCharsCountBeforeToken
  301. //// );
  302. // }
  303. }
  304. //int main()
  305. //{
  306. // #if(VERBOSE_LEVEL<=DEB_L)
  307. // print("\n;\t");
  308. // #endif
  309. // yylex();
  310. // return 0;
  311. //}

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Dokument erstellt 05/10/2009, zuletzt geändert 28/10/2018
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