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Rechercher dans le manuel MySQL

Displaying 1 to 10 of 237 total results
The CHAR and VARCHAR types are similar, but differ in the way they are stored and retrieved. They also differ in maximum length and in whether trailing spaces are retained. The CHAR and VARCHAR types are declared with a length that indicates the ...
MySQL has hard limit of 4096 columns per table, but the effective maximum may be less for a given table. The exact column limit depends on several factors: The maximum row size for a table constrains the number (and possibly size) of columns ...
A table that is partitioned by range is partitioned in such a way that each partition contains rows for which the partitioning expression value lies within a given range. Ranges should be contiguous but not overlapping, and are defined using the ...
For additional information about properties and storage requirements of the string types, see Section 11.4, “String Types”, and Section 11.8, “Data Type Storage Requirements”. In some cases, MySQL may change a string column to a type ...
Online support details, syntax examples, and usage notes for DDL operations are provided under the following topics in this section. Index Operations Primary Key Operations Column Operations Generated Column Operations Foreign Key Operations Table ...
This is a variant of LIST partitioning that enables the use of multiple columns as partition keys, and for columns of data types other than integer types to be used as partitioning columns; you can use string types, DATE, and DATETIME columns. In ...
This section describes how to set up the daemon_memcached plugin on a MySQL server. Because the memcached daemon is tightly integrated with the MySQL server to avoid network traffic and minimize latency, you perform this process on each MySQL ...
Table nt contains no foreign key references, and no other table has any foreign keys that refer to nt. There are no rows in nt that lie outside the boundaries of the partition definition for p. To determine the row format of an InnoDB table, query ...
SIGNAL provides error information to a handler, to an outer portion of the application, or to the client. Also, it provides control over the error's characteristics (error number, SQLSTATE value, message). Without SIGNAL, it is necessary to resort ...
This is a Perl script that can be used to estimate the amount of space that would be required by a MySQL database if it were converted to use the NDBCLUSTER storage engine. Unlike the other utilities discussed in this section, it does not require ...
Displaying 1 to 10 of 237 total results

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Dokument erstellt 26/06/2006, zuletzt geändert 26/10/2018
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