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Class Query

  • public class Query
    extends Object

    Constructs query object constraints.

    The MBean Server can be queried for MBeans that meet a particular condition, using its queryNames or queryMBeans method. The QueryExp parameter to the method can be any implementation of the interface QueryExp, but it is usually best to obtain the QueryExp value by calling the static methods in this class. This is particularly true when querying a remote MBean Server: a custom implementation of the QueryExp interface might not be present in the remote MBean Server, but the methods in this class return only standard classes that are part of the JMX implementation.

    As an example, suppose you wanted to find all MBeans where the Enabled attribute is true and the Owner attribute is "Duke". Here is how you could construct the appropriate QueryExp by chaining together method calls:

     QueryExp query =
         Query.and(Query.eq(Query.attr("Enabled"), Query.value(true)),
                   Query.eq(Query.attr("Owner"), Query.value("Duke")));
    • Constructor Detail

      • Query

        public Query()
        Basic constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • and

        public static QueryExp and(QueryExp q1,
                   QueryExp q2)
        Returns a query expression that is the conjunction of two other query expressions.
        q1 - A query expression.
        q2 - Another query expression.
        The conjunction of the two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • or

        public static QueryExp or(QueryExp q1,
                  QueryExp q2)
        Returns a query expression that is the disjunction of two other query expressions.
        q1 - A query expression.
        q2 - Another query expression.
        The disjunction of the two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • gt

        public static QueryExp gt(ValueExp v1,
                  ValueExp v2)
        Returns a query expression that represents a "greater than" constraint on two values.
        v1 - A value expression.
        v2 - Another value expression.
        A "greater than" constraint on the arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with a relOp equal to GT.
      • geq

        public static QueryExp geq(ValueExp v1,
                   ValueExp v2)
        Returns a query expression that represents a "greater than or equal to" constraint on two values.
        v1 - A value expression.
        v2 - Another value expression.
        A "greater than or equal to" constraint on the arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with a relOp equal to GE.
      • leq

        public static QueryExp leq(ValueExp v1,
                   ValueExp v2)
        Returns a query expression that represents a "less than or equal to" constraint on two values.
        v1 - A value expression.
        v2 - Another value expression.
        A "less than or equal to" constraint on the arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with a relOp equal to LE.
      • lt

        public static QueryExp lt(ValueExp v1,
                  ValueExp v2)
        Returns a query expression that represents a "less than" constraint on two values.
        v1 - A value expression.
        v2 - Another value expression.
        A "less than" constraint on the arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with a relOp equal to LT.
      • eq

        public static QueryExp eq(ValueExp v1,
                  ValueExp v2)
        Returns a query expression that represents an equality constraint on two values.
        v1 - A value expression.
        v2 - Another value expression.
        A "equal to" constraint on the arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with a relOp equal to EQ.
      • between

        public static QueryExp between(ValueExp v1,
                       ValueExp v2,
                       ValueExp v3)
        Returns a query expression that represents the constraint that one value is between two other values.
        v1 - A value expression that is "between" v2 and v3.
        v2 - Value expression that represents a boundary of the constraint.
        v3 - Value expression that represents a boundary of the constraint.
        The constraint that v1 lies between v2 and v3. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • match

        public static QueryExp match(AttributeValueExp a,
                     StringValueExp s)
        Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on a string argument. The matching syntax is consistent with file globbing: supports "?", "*", "[", each of which may be escaped with "\"; character classes may use "!" for negation and "-" for range. (* for any character sequence, ? for a single arbitrary character, [...] for a character sequence). For example: a*b?c would match a string starting with the character a, followed by any number of characters, followed by a b, any single character, and a c.
        a - An attribute expression
        s - A string value expression representing a matching constraint
        A query expression that represents the matching constraint on the string argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • not

        public static QueryExp not(QueryExp queryExp)
        Returns a constraint that is the negation of its argument.
        queryExp - The constraint to negate.
        A negated constraint. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • in

        public static QueryExp in(ValueExp val,
                  ValueExp[] valueList)
        Returns an expression constraining a value to be one of an explicit list.
        val - A value to be constrained.
        valueList - An array of ValueExps.
        A QueryExp that represents the constraint. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static StringValueExp value(String val)
        Returns a new string expression.
        val - The string value.
        A ValueExp object containing the string argument.
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(Number val)
        Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - An instance of Number.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(int val)
        Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - An int value.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(long val)
        Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - A long value.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(float val)
        Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - A float value.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(double val)
        Returns a numeric value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - A double value.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • value

        public static ValueExp value(boolean val)
        Returns a boolean value expression that can be used in any Query call that expects a ValueExp.
        val - A boolean value.
        A ValueExp object containing the argument. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • plus

        public static ValueExp plus(ValueExp value1,
                    ValueExp value2)
        Returns a binary expression representing the sum of two numeric values, or the concatenation of two string values.
        value1 - The first '+' operand.
        value2 - The second '+' operand.
        A ValueExp representing the sum or concatenation of the two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with an op equal to PLUS.
      • times

        public static ValueExp times(ValueExp value1,
                     ValueExp value2)
        Returns a binary expression representing the product of two numeric values.
        value1 - The first '*' operand.
        value2 - The second '*' operand.
        A ValueExp representing the product. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with an op equal to TIMES.
      • minus

        public static ValueExp minus(ValueExp value1,
                     ValueExp value2)
        Returns a binary expression representing the difference between two numeric values.
        value1 - The first '-' operand.
        value2 - The second '-' operand.
        A ValueExp representing the difference between two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with an op equal to MINUS.
      • div

        public static ValueExp div(ValueExp value1,
                   ValueExp value2)
        Returns a binary expression representing the quotient of two numeric values.
        value1 - The first '/' operand.
        value2 - The second '/' operand.
        A ValueExp representing the quotient of two arguments. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class with an op equal to DIV.
      • initialSubString

        public static QueryExp initialSubString(AttributeValueExp a,
                                StringValueExp s)
        Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on a string argument. The value must start with the given literal string value.
        a - An attribute expression.
        s - A string value expression representing the beginning of the string value.
        The constraint that a matches s. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • anySubString

        public static QueryExp anySubString(AttributeValueExp a,
                            StringValueExp s)
        Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on a string argument. The value must contain the given literal string value.
        a - An attribute expression.
        s - A string value expression representing the substring.
        The constraint that a matches s. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class
      • finalSubString

        public static QueryExp finalSubString(AttributeValueExp a,
                              StringValueExp s)
        Returns a query expression that represents a matching constraint on a string argument. The value must end with the given literal string value.
        a - An attribute expression.
        s - A string value expression representing the end of the string value.
        The constraint that a matches s. The returned object will be serialized as an instance of the non-public class

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Dokument erstellt 11/06/2005, zuletzt geändert 04/03/2020
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