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Welder's mask - fallout version

Fallout 3 - Raider arclight helmet

The welder's mask is a piece of headwear which is added to Fallout 3.
It is a variant of the raider arclight helmet featuring an increased damage resistance of 5. It can be repaired with raider arclight helmets.
It can be found on a number slaves in The Pitt, and is in appearance identical to the raider arclight helmet found throughout the Capital Wasteland.
The masks, as their name suggests, are primarily used by slaves that use a welding torch as to keep sparks from flying into their face. The reasoning is the same with slaves that use auto axes to cut through metal, but instead of just sparks, it's sparks and rogue metal shards.

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Document créé le 31/01/2014, dernière modification le 20/07/2020
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